This is a list of all filetypes Hydrus can import. Hydrus determines the filetype based on examining the file itself rather than the extension or MIME type.
The filetype for a file can be overridden with manage -> force filetype in the context menu for a file.
Pixiv Ugoira format is a custom animation format used by Pixiv. The Pixiv API provides a list of frame files (normally JPEG or PNG) and their durations. The frames can be stored in a ZIP file along with a JSON file containing the frame and duration information. A zip file containing images with 6 digit zero-padded filenames will be identified as a Ugoira file in hydrus.
If there are no frame durations provided hydrus will assume each frame should last 125ms. Hydrus will look inside the zip for a file called animation.json and try to parse it as the 2 most common metadata formats that PixivUtil and gallery-dl generate. The Ugoira file will only have a duration in the database if it contains a valid animation.json.
When played hydrus will first attempt to use the animation.json file, but if that does not exist, it will look for notes containing frame delays. First it looks for a note named ugoira json and attempts to read it like the animation.json, it then looks for a note called ugoira frame delay array which should be a note containing a simple JSON array, for example: [90,90,40,90].
A zip file containing images with incrementing numbers in their filenames will be identified as a cbz file. The code for identifying a cbz file is in hydrus/core/files/
This filetype doesn't have an official or de facto media type, the one listed was made up for Hydrus. ↩↩↩